Outstanding Quality Work...
“Outstanding quality work” is a service trademark of Fourth Technologies. We formed a strategic partnership back in 2008 that continues to supports one of the largest clients in the world, the US Army! We are more than pleased to recommend Fortek’s valuable services to both the Government and Industry at large”.
Federal Systems Integrator
Are you looking for help with your Microsoft Dynamics AX? Let us get the right people working on it.
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The 4TEK Difference: It’s in our name, attitude and experience. In numerology, the number 4 stands for stability and building solid foundations. It also stands for security and determination. The T in our name stands for Tenacity, the E in our name stands for Enthusiasm, and the K in our name stands for Knowledge.
So, if you are a prospective candidate or client, 4TEK is ready to deliver the type of quality service that you can depend on! Every requirement we work on has two goals in mind! 1) To build measurable value for the candidate and client and 2) To build a solid bridge of business with the candidate and client that serves the short and long term interests for all to prosper and grow. To accomplish the aforementioned goals, we deploy our trademark effort to Think, Act and Deliver unparalleled innovation and create “win-win” business that has made us an industry leader for over 25 years!